

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

METHOD OF Building

Activities    : Construction of school laboratory practicum and Space T. A 2010 Occupation: Construction of SMP 23 Lap IPA Berau (Ex. SMPN 5 Talisayan) Location    : District Talisayan T.A.           :A. Preparation of work, A. Measurement,
Hold a re-measurement of location on or in accordance with the plan drawings and elevations, the elevation height is determined by the soil supply of information of its own.

2. Bouwplank job,
Bouplank Meranti wood beams made of 5/7 that is attached to the ground so strong to hold the load while, then tied a circle around the area to be built by the board Meranti 2/20 are straight and flat on the upper surface using a water pass. Installation of track marks a strong foundation and digunkan thread taut. Height above the elevation of ± 0:00 bouwplank floor.
3. Serobong Work,
Created serobong not ignore the work with safety, cleanliness, and considering the space provided.
B. Groundwork & Sand,
A. Soil excavation,
Excavation of foundation soil adapted to a planned, well depth, width and width. Mining land such as trench excavation and quarrying as well as smoothing the soil surface level adjusted with the plan.
2. Urugan Land,
- Urugan Land Back Urugan soil foundation took place after the couple had finished, return urugan material is the foundation of former mining land.
- Surface Elevation Urug ground surface elevation used free of tree roots bersarnya more than 10cm, then compacted by manual or mechanical means to achieve the desired surface.
3. Urugan Sand,
- Urugan sand is a layer having a certain thickness and mounted on the surface of the land area of ​​the specified area.
C. The foundation of the work,
A. Sand & Stone Urugan couple Empty,
Prior to installation of foundation work before the work dilakasankan urugan foundation of sand along the path with a predetermined thickness which is then pemsangan dihampar empty stone foundation along with a height of ± 15-20 cm, the stone masonry urugan vacant land sown as a binder which is then doused with water.
2. Foundation Stone Mountain,
Installation of the foundation stone mountain vocation mounted on the ground for the foundation with the use of mountain stone and held together with mortar mortar 1: 4. Installation of stone fitted together to fill a mixing layer by layer so that no empty cavity.
D. Concrete Works,
Concrete work is divided into two types of concrete and reinforced concrete is not reinforced concrete work which includes rebates work, flooring, Sloof, column, beam, or balk ring and all the detail and not shown in FIG.
The general steps before casting are:
A. Manufacture Formwork / Scaffolding Reference,
Formwork is made from wood or plywood and molded according to the size and model that will be casted, which is then amplified by skoor, clamps and rafter.
2. Pembesian
Pembesian made in accordance with a predetermined size both dimensions of diameter, length, bending and the model contained in the working drawings. To assemble the whole model pembesian used as a binder wire.
3. Concrete casting,
Casting carried out in the formwork and reinforcement that has been created which is then cast performed. The concrete mix is ​​in accordance with existing techniques sepesifisi. In the process of solidification of foundry castings done by manual or mechanical means.
4. Formwork demolition,
At this stage of demolition concrete formwork minimum age ranges from 21 days, the dismantling of formwork can be done.
E. Wall jobs,
Installation of a brick wall using adhesive mortar with mortar 1: 4, installed from Sloof until it reaches a specified height, for the neatness of the installation tool of the yarn can be used as a sign, in the brick wall pemsangan pemsangan for one day maximum ± 1:50 cm.
F. Plastering jobs,
Prior to the implementation of the stucco work, the area to be plastered flush with water first, then plastering can be done, as for the mixture to plestera ketebala and adapted to the existing technical specifications. After the plaster can be ± 1 day made pengacian, where acian merupan waterproof coating with a mixture of cement and water. Pengacian conducted throughout the stucco surface.

G. Floor Works,
A. Floor Works
Prior to the work floor in a state of the floor surface is level, then given a stretch of sand layer with a thickness that is determined then the cast concrete without reinforcement can be done as for the cast concrete is a mixture of cement, sand and stones in the ratio 1: 3: 5, minimum thickness of the cast floor 7 cm.
2. Ceramic Floor Works,
After the finished concrete floor or a minimum of ± 2 days old ceramic tile floor installation can be done, the installation of ceramic floor tiles installed in accordance with the existing drawings. Level mounting adapted to tilt the direction of discharge. The type, quality and range of ceramic installation adapted to the existing technical specifications.
3. Closure of Nat,
Closure of a mixture of cement grout made of color and use the water, cover the entire surface of the joints between the tiles which are then smoothed.
H. Jobs Kap / Horses-Horses frame,
Frame work of the horses using the class and quality of timber in accordance with the requirements in NI-5. Framework of the horses is made and shaped to fit the size of the image, mounting the horses can be done under or above, in certain parts reinforced with steel plate beugel bond, between the horses were given bond in the form of the ridge beam and beam ties angina.
I. Roof coverings job,
Once the work order the horses finished with the installation of wood dieteruskan gording, rafters and ring in which for each timber used urukan and adjusted to a predetermined distance installation, then installation listplank installation. Listplank bengikari tebuat of wooden boards installed along the roof edge, while the model and size of the board is determined in accordance with existing techniques sepesifikasi. Furthermore pemsangan roof and ridge, while the type, pattern and color of the roof and the ridge is determined sesaui with working drawings.
J. Frame Works and Leaves, Door Window,
Frames used to dry wood Bengkirai created and established in accordance with detail drawings, wood frame which is mounted on a wood that has been planed on the three surfaces and certain sides made sponning or profile. The doors and windows are made and placed terpiasah manufacturing (molding) with the model and the size and materials used sepesifikasi refers to existing techniques.
K. Employment ceiling,
Before installing the ceiling is made, first made by using the framework of the ceiling beams holding 5/10 and the timber children 5/7 or 5/5, is formed and patterned in accordance with the existing working drawings. To avoid deflection on the bond ceiling is made of wooden beams hung in a vertical direction of the framework of the horses. Then cover the ceiling can be done, as for the ceiling to be installed both the size, materials used and the model adapted to the existing technical specifications.
L. Key employment and Hanger,
For all the doors were given:
- The key to planting 2 slaag, - Hinges 4 "of 3 pieces, - Key Cyelinder 1 piece (door KM / WC)
For all windows can be opened are given:
- Handle 1 piece, - Rights of angina 2 pieces - Sloot / bolt 2 pieces, - The hinge door 3 "by 2 pieces
For the brand and type of hanger sepesifiksi determined in accordance with existing techniques and for other types of hangers installed in accordance with the existing drawings.
M. Electric Works,
Installation of electrical networks diserakan to a third party who holds the rights to the installation of the home network installer, but for the placement position of the point of installation is customized with a picture of the existing work.
N. Sanitation jobs,
- Intasalsi Water Pipes,
Installation of water pipes using PVC pipe with a diameter AW class specified, and installed in accordance with the existing drawings.
- Installation of Water Pipe Gross,
Installation of sewage pipes using PVC pipe with a diameter class ditententukan AW, and installed in accordance with the existing drawings.
- Septick Tank,
Made in accordance with working drawings of existing and consider the location of the placement of these septick.
- Body of Water,
Cistern made of bricks forming a pair of models and sizes are determined in accordance with the drawings. On every tub of water in a pipe exhaust give dap. On each side of the tub wall is coated with ceramic.
- Closed,
Closed are made of ceramic, assembled according to the position and direction of a predetermined position, for connecting between the closed and septick tank used PVC pipe and elbow 4 "with a specified slope.
- Other Sanitary Equipment,
Other sanitary means of supporting the work of sanitation in the form: - Tap Water, - Floor Drain, - Kitchen Zink, - Accesoris (glue, seloatif, connections, etc.)
O. Paintwork,
All the work of painting using a paint sheen (catminyak) through the stages: - Priming, - Coarse sand, - Didempul / diplamir, - Sanded smooth, - Oil sheen dekerjakan process 3 times.
All jobs use the watercolor painting through the stages: - Diplamir, - Smoothing with paper pads, - Cat 1 time base layer, - Cat 2 times the final layer.
In the process of painting the necessary equipment and materials that have been determined either type, brand, blend, additives nor Mr time in each stage of the process.
Tanjung Redeb,


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